Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Oh Happy Day........

I know it's been awhile since i last posted.... I've been a little busy making a list for the insurance of all the contents that were stolen along with the truck. (what a daunting task!) It's also that time of year...TAXES ! UGH...LOL. I'm almost finished--i am hoping to do that by this weekend and get it e-filed. I really should get a move on it since i am getting a refund don't-chya think?!
Is everyone as excited as I am that Spring is around the corner???!!! Oh man, am i looking forward to sunshine and flowers and hearing the birds sing ! Even thought we were terribly spoiled with such a mild winter I cant help but think of the warm days ahead.
This will be a rather short post--im trying to stroke items off my "to do" list this evening.... :)

Hope everyone enjoys their evening.
Cheers !


Janet said...

Hope that the truck issue is almost done. I vote spring starts right now!

Deanna said...

Be very thorought with the list girl!